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  • Writer's pictureL J


Yes, so inconsistent. I promised myself I would, in the least, add a new blog once a month. I have not since October. Thought of it several times but did not follow through. Typical of someone struggling with self-esteem/low self image. Though I was abused over 60 years ago my psyche is still bleeding. It still takes extra effort to garner up the confidence to do anything. Yes, anything. The resistance I constant/strong/unforgiving. It is often pure stubbornness that gets me through the 'wall' and I am then able to move forward. Often, when I am done, I shake my head at how the task was no where near as difficult as I had made it out to be. I know I am not alone in this...I am reaching out to you to will validate our experiences and help to gain strength to stay in the positive.

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